Birthday: 9.20.88 - Virgo

Favorite coffee drink: Cold is an Oreo Frappe cha-cha and hot would be a vanilla cappuccino.

Favorite piece of lingerie: Fish nets

Favorite food: Mexican and thai

Favorite type of music: I do love early 90's gangster rap, but I love all genres I have a variety of favorites. It's a wide range from Frank Sinatra to Led Zepplin to Wu-Tang Clan, those are just a few of my favorites.

What are your future plans? I went to school and graduated for video/ film production and broadcasting, so hopefully covering sports and or entertainment or editing/ producing/ directing shows, news, films, etc.

What is your favorite part about being a Hot Spot girl? The laid back environment is very nice, but most importantly the customer interaction is great, it's nice to be able to get to know our customers on a personable level, and not just like "ok have a nice day, bye!"

Describe yourself in three words: