
BIRTHDAY: February 12, 1992 (Aquarius)

FAVORITE DRINK: Vanilla Carmel latte

FAVORITE LINGERIE: Anything with lace, sparkles, and makes me feel sexy! Lace teddys

FAVORITE FOOD: Firecracker Pizza from Uptown Grille and French Fries

FAVORITE MUSIC: Alternative Rock

FUTURE ASPIRATIONS: Graduate from Oakland University with my Bachelor’s in Social Work (BSW) and a concentration in gerontology in April 2016. In the near future attend a Graduate school for a Master’s degree.

FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING A HOT SPOT GIRL: I love dressing up, meeting new smiling faces every day, working with all the unique, beautiful, and amazing hot spot girls, and of course let’s not forget the unlimited amounts coffee!

My all time favorite aspect of this job is all the fun and interesting memories that I will cherish forever <3 <3 <3 This job has been more than just a job, but has become a family to me! Everyone has become good friends and I know we would help one another out through anything, it has taught me to be confident with myself and love every inch of who I am, and gave me place where I belong and can thrive.